*This article contains some promotional material.
Summary of how to add education effects to videos in Filmora 13
In this article.Filmora13This section explains how to add education effects to your videos with
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How to add education effects to your videos in Filmora 13 (Fimora 13)
Select the file you want to add from the folder
Select the file you want to add from the folder.
Drag and drop into Filmora's media area
Select the files you want to add from the folder and drag and drop them into the media area of Filmora.
Select a file and add it to the lower timeline view
Select the file you just added and add it to the lower timeline view.
Select [Effects
Select [Effects].
Click [Effects] and select [Education Effects
[Click on "Effects" and select "Education Effects.
Once the education effect is determined, drag and drop it onto the timeline
Once the education effect is determined, drag and drop it onto the timeline.
educationEdit Effects
You can also edit how the effect is applied.
educationDouble-click on an effect clip to adjust the effect's application and other parameters.
After adjusting the effect, select "OK
After adjusting the effect, select "OK.
Here's how to put eduction effects on your videos in Filmora 13.The company was able to
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This article explains how to add eduCation effects to your videos in Filmora 13 (Fimora 13).
Filmorain order toFull 30-day money back guarantee from purchase.So, you can try it out risk-free.
If you actually try Filmora and don't like it, just send a simple "Please refund." via the contact form on the official website and you will receive a full refund.
Filmoraalso offers discount campaigns from time to time.For the latest discount information, link belowPlease check it out from the following page.
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